Friday, August 1, 2014

Day Thirteen: 9/11 Memorial Museum

 So Friday I was on the Rush List for the 9/11 Memorial Museum. The Rush List is where if you weren't able to be signed up for an event because the list got full, you go about 30 minutes before they leave to see if a spot opened up for you to get on. I did that but still wasn't able to make the list. I decided I would just go and buy a ticket there at the museum because I really wanted to see it. We got on the subway and went down to the memorial. When we got there somehow we lost a few people and they ended up having two extra tickets. I was able to get one of those tickets. Thank God! That made my day. 
 We went into the museum and through security. It started off with pictures and details.
We got to see some different pieces taken from the towers that were still somewhat intact. One of my favorites were these stairs. The story behind them is that these are the stairs people were able to escape the building from but they led outside and were told to run as fast as they could because of the falling debris. They're called the Survivior Stairs. 
Then there was this fire truck that was from the event. It was beaten up but it was one that was there trying to help at that time. 
At one point we entered the main exhibit but there was no photography allowed so I wasn't able to get pictures from that part. That part was amazing though. It was emotional and everyone was quiet when in there. You just kind of look around at all the artifacts, newspapers, recordings, letters, pieces from the buildings and it's just crazy that it happened. It makes you mad that someone could do that to your country. Also you can see the freedom tower (new World Trade Center) from a pretty far distance, more than a mile away. So that means you could've seen the Twin Towers from a far distance as well. When the towers were you hit, people from around the city could see but could do nothing about it to help because of distance. They could only watch. I would suggest that if you ever go to New York City, you have to see this museum. Anyways, we finished up looking around and left.
 Later on in the day, I just went down to Washingotn Square Park. It's basically my front yard. I walk out of my dorm building and it's a couple of steps away. I got there and they always have something different going on. There are these people that have these huge bubbles. It's so cool. 
You can fit in them.
Then there's this really cool indie band that plays every once in a while.
It's different. After that I went back to dorm. 
 So I had a good day. Enjoyed it. 

Here are some more pictures: 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day Twelve: Times Square at Night

That Thursday I didn't do much during the day. Tuesdays and Thursdays I don't do much because I have class pretty much throughout the day so I don't go far. However, for my Internet Design class we had a substitute because our professor couldn't make it. Our substitute ended up letting us out about an hour early. These two girls and I decided to go somewhere because we had time before our curfew. We decided on going to Times Square because I hadn't seen it at night. We took the subway there and when you get there, it's very lit up.

Times Square looks completely different during the day than at night. I will say I could never live in Times Square. It is way to busy with people.
 There are so many people there because it's one of the places many tourists go to see. It was really nice though. You couldn't really tell it was night because of all the lights around you. I saw more superheroes than the last time I saw it. Batman probably looked the most real though.
We took a picture at the staircase that's located in the middle of everything. The girl on the left is Annie and the other girl is Sachi. 
We then went to the Hershey's store.
It was kind of small but pretty cool.
You could smell chocolate once you walked in and they give you a Hershey's kiss at the entrance. After that we went across the street to the M&M store.
It was huge. Three floors of M&M merchandise. It was a pretty cool store. After that we went to a pizza place and then went back to our dorms. 
I had a good day. I was able to see something different.